Once the dog reaches the appropriate age (6 months), it should learn to respond to basic commands such as:
Next, Sit, Down, Stay, Out.
Basic obedience is the most important form of training, it is the basis on which the dog's behavior will be based and on which we will build our relationship with him.
Basic obedience is addressed to all dogs regardless of age.

Our dog walks next to our left foot without pulling the leash. It is a command that makes walking with our dog a pleasure and helps to establish ourselves in his eyes as leaders.

The dog sits on its hind legs at our command or when we stop.

He learns to lie on his stomach on the ground waiting for our next command.

Keep the dog in the "sit" or "down" position with the owner at a distance.

He learns to come to us with the command "here".

Exemption of the dog from the orders.

Your dog learns not to eat food from strangers or from the ground, thus avoiding the risk of someone throwing fola at him. A prerequisite for the complete success of this type of training is the contribution of the dog owner under the instructions of the trainer.